Sunday, October 21, 2007

Duke University iPod Usage

Duke University, during the 2005-2006 school year, initiated the use of iPods in conjunction with classroom lectures. The program had the goal and idea that the use of this type of technology would increase the ease of passing on information to the students and increase the ease of teacher-student feedback and communication. The program consisted of approximately 630 students in a broad range of classes.
The pilot program helped to increase the usage of audio files (lectures, music downloads, etc.) and lessened the use of physical information usually provided during class meetings. However, some of the negatives was the fact that some information wasn't able to be provided or easily accessed by students. Overall, however, with a few corrections, the program will eventually be fully implemented for school-wide usage.
I think that the type of technology iPods provide can be a great asset in the classroom. Students can listen to actual songs or radio clips to give better understanding of a lecture or see video files that facilitate better understanding. In my future classroom, that's how I would use iPods.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Classroom of the Future 2

My position as not changed after reading this article.

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Blount Fab Flag Girls
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Blount vs Williamson
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My Mama!
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My bestfriend Aishia and me.
At My Aunts, Wedding
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Sunday, October 14, 2007

Seymour Papert

Seymour Papert is considered the world's foremost expert on how technology, can provide new ways to learn today. He has carried out educational project on every continent , some in remote villages in developing countries. He serves on many advisory boards.
Papert lives in Maine. He founded a small laboratory called the Learning Barn to develop methods of learning that are to far ahead of times for large scale implementation. Papert contribution go beyond the field of education, he is a mathematician and co founder with Marvin Minsky of the Artificial Intelligence Lab at MIT.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Fun with Mickey!
I loveyou Pooh!
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